世界杯预选赛日本跟中国(世界杯 预选赛 中国 日本)

世界杯预选赛日本跟中国(世界杯 预选赛 中国 日本)


This week has carried on the pairs significance significant football competition,one is the Chinese women's football's Asian match,one is the Chinese men's football team World Cup Qualifier.In this pairs soccer game,the women's football 3:1 reversed the Japanese women's football.The Chinese men's football team actually 0:1 has lost to Qatar team in the main floor.Women's football's victory was too exciting.The men's football team was in unfavorable situation the fan who caused our nation to hurt thoroughly feelings once again once again.Some people said the Chinese soccer the system existence question.My gate cannot quicken pace catches up with between Western and Europe's and America's distance.I once again have also understood the Chinese soccer in the disappointment,but the desire is so,I believed that the Chinese soccer goes out the entrance to a country one day.Supports the Chinese soccer.Supports China.


世界杯预选赛日本跟中国(世界杯 预选赛 中国 日本)
